Ediltunnel S.p.A. is a company specialized in “Drilling execution with trenchless technology for construction of water pipeline, gas pipeline, oil pipeline, sewer systems, irrigation and evacuation works, and other works of construction, mechanics and soil movement, complementary to the drilling execution”.
The Management of Ediltunnel S.p.A. is convinced that the foundation of the corporate identity must be the process of continuous improvement aimed at achieving excellence in carrying out its statutory tasks, it is constantly committed to combining corporate growth with high standards of quality and efficiency of the services provided, with the protection of health and worker safety and respect for the environment, paying the utmost attention to understanding and satisfying the needs of both customers and all company staff.
The Management of Ediltunnel S.p.A. also recognizes that the continuous improvement of its performance in terms of worker health and safety leads to significant commercial and economic advantages while satisfying the growth expectations of the territorial context in which the Company is located.
In order to pursue these objectives, the Management of Ediltunnel S.p.A. has adopted the strategic choice to implement a Quality, Environment, Health and Safety Management System for workers and the Prevention of Corruption in compliance with the standards:
- UNI EN ISO 9001 (Quality)
- UNI EN ISO 14001 (Environment)
- BS OHSAS 18001 (Health and Safety of workers)
- UNI ISO 37001 (Prevention of Corruption)
in order to define acceptability standards and procedures suitable for carrying out specific activities.
This Company Policy is part of this context which, in addition to ensuring full compliance with the legislation and regulations in force, as well as the commitments entered into by the Company, sets the following general objectives as crucial:
- Keep its Company Management System updated and improving in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO 14001, BS OHSAS 18001 and UNI ISO 37001 standards taken as reference;
- Maintain an adequate annual level of corporate profit, ensuring behavior based on criteria of correctness, loyalty and moral integrity, prohibiting any form of corruption;
- Continuously plan to improve the effectiveness of the services offered in terms of reliability and performance to keep customer satisfaction high;
- Maintain an effective communication system with the customer, the community and all the staff in order to continuously acknowledge their needs and to inform in detail about the planned improvement process and the results achieved;
- Systematically verify the achievement of the planned objectives by intervening with appropriate corrective actions if these are not achieved;
- Allocate adequate resources and implement every effort in organizational, operational and technological terms to achieve the planned objectives by preventing any form of risk in terms of worker health and safety;
- Define objectives and programs for the health and safety of workers and for the reduction of the environmental impact, updating them promptly according to the operational management and company development programs;
- Ensure the prevention of environmental pollution, engaging in the recycling / recovery / reduction of waste and monitoring the consumption of natural resources such as water, fuel and electricity, also identifying the competent company functions capable of working for a continuous improvement of efficiency energy and the elimination of waste, with a view to the responsible use of resources for sustainable development with respect for the environment and future generations;
- Optimize the scheduled maintenance of the vehicles in order to ensure an ever greater efficiency of the fleet aimed at affecting with minimum environmental impact also in terms of noise;
- Develop human resources through the specialization of the technical-professional skills of its staff, the attribution of responsibilities and authority at all levels, the creation of training / information and training moments on specific issues relating to quality, the environment, health and security, corruption prevention;
- Always keep the awareness of workers alive regarding environmental, quality, safety and corruption prevention issues, spreading the best practices in all areas;
- Ensure that responsibilities, tasks and system procedures are always well defined, widespread and clearly understood by workers;
- Ensure the prevention and adequate management of any emergency situations both environmental and health and safety;
- Collect all the return data, especially in terms of health and safety at work and anti-corruption to analyze and evaluate the achievement of the planned objectives and re-determine the future ones;
- Select suppliers by involving them in improving their performance in order to reduce the negative impacts that could spill over into the Company System, favoring those suppliers who have adopted a certified management system for Quality and / or the Environment and / or for Health and Security and / or for the prevention of corruption;
- Prohibit any form of corruption by adopting a zero tolerance approach towards it;
- Encourage reporting of suspects in good faith without fueling fears of retaliation, spreading awareness of the consequences of non-compliance with the corruption prevention policy;
- Supervise the application of the internal Code of Conduct, regarding the regulation of business conduct;
- Explain the authority and independence of the compliance function for the prevention of corruption;
- Make this Policy public, ensuring that it is always available to all interested parties and posting it on the bulletin board and / or website.
Ediltunnel S.p.A. undertakes to review, at least annually, this Policy and the objectives related to it, which are reported in the appropriate system forms, in order to ensure its continued suitability and adequacy, constantly checking the efficiency and effectiveness of the indicators established to monitor the achievement of the objectives for quality, the environment, safety and anti-corruption.
This policy is widespread within the organization by posting on the bulletin board and electronic presence on the corporate network, to be understood and shared by all workers and any guests. It is also made available externally, to all interested parties, by publication on the company website and by direct delivery to those who request it.
Ediltunnel S.p.A. considers the monitoring and continuous improvement of the anti-corruption performance, the management of supplies and the competitiveness of the costs to be pursued to be fundamental.
This Policy is substantiated through the pursuit of the objectives and targets defined and disseminated at all levels of the organization, as well as with the commitment to spread the culture for Quality, the Environment, Safety and Anti-corruption through appropriate actions information and training for all interested parties (including staff, customers and suppliers) to increase their competence and awareness.
In consideration of the commitments necessary to obtain what is reported in this document, the Management invites all workers and interested parties to collaborate to implement and support the principles indicated above, correctly applying the company procedures issued and making them protagonists of every action to improve the business growth process.
Lecce, 01 August 2018
The Sole Administrator
dott. ing. Elisabetta Ricchiuto